

by Whitley Strieber

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Transformation: The Breakthrough
Published 1988 (Paperback July 1989)
Hardcover sales: Nearly 200,000; New York Times Non-Fiction Bestseller; On the list for 10 weeks.
Paperback sales: First printing of 1.2 million copies; Within two weeks of publication, hit New York Times Bestseller list at number 5

On February 10, 1987, one of the most startling and controversial books of our time was published: Whitley Strieber’s Communion. In Communion, Whitley Strieber described the shattering effects of an assault from the unknown – what seemed to be an encounter with intelligent nonhuman beings.

Transformation is the chronicle of his effort to form a relationship with the unknown reality he has come to call the “the visitors.”

After writing Communion, Whitley Strieber firmly expected that his encounters with the “visitors” would end. They did not.

At first he was desperate and terrified. He struggled frantically to push the visitors out of his life, to prove to himself that they were figments of his imagination, that they were anything but a reality separate from himself.

He was finally forced to admit, because of their persistence and the undeniably intelligent structure of their encounters with him, that they had to be a genuine mystery, an intelligence of unknown nature and origin.

Whitley began to challenge his fear of the visitors, to try to confront them with objectivity, in an effort to gain real insight into their impact on our lives. The more he did this, he found, the deeper and richer his experiences became.

Do the visitors represent a force that has been with mankind throughout history? Has it played an absolutely central role in altering human culture? Has a conscious force emerged from the unknown as the single most powerful instrument of change in history?

Transformation is a journey from the secret depths of the mind to the secret depths of the universe, a story of fear and courage and the final, triumphant breakthrough that may lead at last to real understanding. Communion was only the beginning.

© 1988 Wilson & Neff, Inc.
Synopsis courtesy of William Morrow & Company, Inc.
Jacket Illustration by Ted Jacobs. Jacket Design by Cheryl Asherman.